Our Programs
We have the following programs:
Access to Justice
Access to justice, as defined by the United Nations Development Program and understood and accepted within the international human rights community, means that laws and remedies must be just, equitable, and sensitive to the needs of the poor and marginalized. At the same time, difficulties encountered by vulnerable populations in understanding and asserting their legal rights require the attention of legal institutions. Equal access to justice, whether through the courts or other legal mechanisms, therefore creates a crucial precondition for broad-based prosperity and security under the rule of law.
Where there is a real or perceived breakdown of rule of law, and where political, legal, economic, and institutional biases and barriers marginalize segments of the population, equal access to justice is not a given.
Haki na Ukweli therefore focuses on vulnerable populations and their legal challenges. We help the poor and marginalized access legal systems, thereby increasing governmental accountability and public faith in the rule of law.
Growth and Human Rights Education
When people understand their rights, they can become empowered to stand up for them. The goal of the Growth and Human Rights Education program is to educate Kenyan citizens on their rights.
To reach the largest number of people, we work with:
- Professional groups such as the Law Society of Kenya (LSK), East Africa Centre for Human Rights (EACH Rights), Peace Brigade International (PBI) and Alliance for Lawyers at Risk (ALR)—to create the Economic and Social (ECOSOC) Jurist of the Year award.
- University students through the Students Consortium for Human Rights Advocacy (SCHORA)— promoting essay writing competitions, photography competitions and the intervarsity human rights debate championships.
- High school teacher networks across the country—organizing essay competitions and human rights education festivals.
- The Africa Human Rights Education Project through regional networks
International Solidarity Campaigns
Freedom from rape, sexual, assault and harassment is a basic human right. Haki na Ukweli continues to create and execute campaigns designed to educate men and women on these issues. Our ultimate goal is to end such abuses, but until then, we must pursue a “no tolerance” policy where offenders are prosecuted and victims are protected.
It is estimated that roughly half a million people are killed every year with firearms. Millions of others around the world die because they are denied access to health care, water or food because they are trapped in conflicts fueled by the poorly controlled flow of arms. Since 1998, millions of people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have died indirectly because of the armed conflict. And for every person who is killed in conflict and armed violence, there are many others who are injured, tortured, abused, taken hostage or otherwise denied their human rights staring down the barrel of a gun.
The problem is widespread and continues in Syria, Iraq, Libya and South Sudan. Haki na Ukweli believes that families worldwide deserve freedom and protection from gun violence. Controlling the trade of illegal weapons through international cooperation, education and appropriate treaty creation/enforcement is imperative. Working towards these goals will also have a profound effect on ending genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Africa and surrounding areas.
We embrace good governance, good leadership & development, embrace quality education in the country, protect our environment & wildlife animals, good infrastructure roads, bridges, water supply, security and fighting poverty in Kenya and the rest of African countries and Middle Eastern countries.
We support gender equality and rights for all.
Key Human Rights Issues
- Abuses by security forces (arbitrary arrests, detentions and extra-judicial killings)
- Widespread impunity and corruption
- Restrictions on the freedom of expression
- Restrictions on the freedom of association
- Discrimination against LGBTI persons, Muslims and refugees
Human Rights Defenders Most At Risk
- LGBTI activists
- Journalists (reporting on issues such as corruption, impunity, extra-judicial killings and human rights abuses)
- Lawyers
- Land rights activists